ICE-SA Panel of Adjudicators

ICE-SA has established a Panel of Adjudicators under the NEC Family of Contracts. These Adjudicators are screened and evaluated by the ICE-SA Committee – Adjudication sub-committee prior to being placed on the panel.

ICE-SA has undertaken the task of establishing criteria and requirements for admission to the ICE-SA Panel of NEC Adjudicators. Following a call for applicants, and some serious deliberations through the Committee, the following persons have been admitted to the ICE-SA Panel of NEC Adjudicators. The persons listed below have complied with all the requirements of ICE-SA, as spelled out on these web pages, and ICE-SA  is confident that they are capable of serving as experienced and able adjudicators for the NEC Contracts that are indicated.

Should any person require the services of an Adjudicator for an NEC contract, then they are welcome to contact the persons below to determine their availability and experience to deal with the matters under dispute. The links below will provide you with the person’s CV for review.

Please contact if you need assistance.

Adjudicators’ CVs

SurnameForenamesCurriculum VitaeECC & ECSECSC & ECSSPSC & PSSCTSC & TSSCNEC Supply & Short SupplyCIDB Supply
BinningtonChristopherView PDFYesYesYesYesYesNo
DavisTerrenceView PDFYesYesYesYesYesNo
GrantGeoffreyView PDFYesYesNoYesYesNo
KeoghJosephView PDFYesYesYesYesYesYes
MahonTerence MichaelView PDFYesYesYesYesYesYes
MasseyIanView PDFYesYesYesYesYesYes
OgbugoEmeka EmmanuelView PDF YesYesYesYesYesYes
ReynoldsReginaldView PDFYesNoYesYesNoNo
SmithAnthony JohnView PDFYesYesYesNoNoNo
SpiesFrancoisView PDFYesYesYesNoNoYes
 van Zyl TheunisView PDF  YesYesNo No NoYes 

An Adjudicator should ideally be appointed at the same time as the contract between the Parties is awarded. If this is not done and the Parties cannot subsequently agree after award on the person to be appointed or cannot agree on a new adjudicator should one be required, there is a fall back reference to an adjudicator nominating body to select an adjudicator.

The ICE-SA Panel of NEC Adjudicators has been established to facilitate the timeous appointment of adjudicators using one of two methods. (See Using the ICE-SA Panel of NEC Adjudicators)

Click here to request Chairman to nominate an Adjudicator

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